Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Breakfast Experiment

What did you have for breakfast today?    A bagel?  Fruit?   A coffee cooler?  NOTHING??!!  
Reality check:  How are you feeling right now?  Totally amped and ready to attack the rest of the day?  Or groggy, crabby and in desperate need of a Snickers?
We’ve heard it a milion times:  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  If that’s the case, why do so many of us have such a hard time doing it?? Here's a breakfast “experiment” you might want to try.
For the next week, eat the following meals for breakfast, one each day.  Afterwards, check in with yourself.  Be really aware of how you’re feeling.  Tired?  Energized?  Crampy (or crabby!) and bloated?  These clues can help you tune into how certain foods affect your body and also give some ideas as to your “metabolic type”, which is a hot topic in nutrition nowadays.
So - here are the breakfasts:
  1. Fruit;  fresh fruit salad or fruit smoothie or baked fruit;
  2. Oatmeal (not instant); with nuts and dried fruit (dates, raisins, apples)
  3. Eggs; however you like them (excepted basted in bacon fat!) with veggies (try lightly sauteeing onions, tomatoes, mushrooms and/or spinach)
  4. Savory; fresh green salad or leftovers from dinner
  5. Beverage; coffee, OJ, tea or milk
  6. Whole grain toast with nut butter
  7. Whole grain cereal with fruit on top
I’m going to suggest one more thing.  Ooooh, this is going to be hard for some people!  Try to sit down and actually experience your breakfast.  Chew it, taste it, ENJOY it!  Take these few minutes to actually pamper yourself - you’re worth it!
Okay - now you’re going to make a sort of mini food journal.  This is an important step so don’t skip it!  Write down the following:
What you ate
How you felt right after eating
How you felt 1 and 2 hours later

At the end of the week, see if there is a pattern.  Which foods worked best for you?  Did you feel best when you had the meal with eggs? (Maybe your body works best with more protein)  Or was it the oatmeal that helped you sail effortlessly through the morning?  (Maybe you need more whole food carbs)
Use these clues to make up your own meals and make the perfect breakfast to help you start every day right!

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